Teenagers- The never-ending era

Teenage life is the best to feel emotions, set and achieve goals, spend time with friends and family, learn about life, and life goals that remain for a lifetime. 

Every expectation, every delight is sworn on us. We face many challenges daily, getting up from the bed to going to sleep, every hustle remains uncounted. 

Teenagers make mistakes,

They hustle, they try, fail, and eliminate, 

What is common in us is our irregularities,

Being enthusiastic and deterministic is some of our other similarities, 

Photo by The Emily Program

Okay! That was some of the big fat words and phrases you have often come across while reading about this topic. But teenager's life is as complicated as these phrases and as simple as we want to live in. Teenagers life is all about making excuses or gaining success. Success here is defined differently for different people(no specific meaning), it's what you want to achieve fame, money, trust, relationships, wealth, health, or internal satisfaction. 

Teenage life is about learning from failures and enjoying every moment, working on 5 major parameters to live the present fully and work for the future, forgetting the past. 

● Work above your comfort zone

● Give priority to your family and health 

● Do a limited number of things and excel in them so that you can teach the things to anyone. 

● Live a stress-free day, by planning, taking small breaks and enjoying the process

● Patience and Consistency are the keys to unlock the door of success. 

Photo by Peaceful Parent Institute

Different people in their teenage life work differently and achieve different results. A point which is to be kept in mind is not to copy anyone and just find your way. Taking ideas, noting the steps followed by others, are all fine because this is how you learn. But competing with them by just being them, will not lead you anywhere. 

Ending this two min long journey on a positive note- 

"Everyone can be busy, but not everyone can be productive all the time". Concentrate on being productive, not being loading yourself with work.

Photo by Pinterest


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